Monday, July 25, 2011

Maintenance Day 2

After the eating spree on Saturday, Sunday was a bit more rationale. I had marinated two whole chicken the day before to be roasted on Sunday. After returning from market, took out the chicken, rubbed a bit more spices i.e. black pepper, allspice and garlic and into the oven that went.

Made salad comprising lettuce, cucumbers and tomatoes to complement the roast chicken.

I had a good helping of the chicken, so did MrM.

Both of us tried to satisfy our need for something sweet with fruits that ended with me eating 3 apples and 2 oranges, while MrM had 4 oranges and 2 apples.

Dinner was the same, the other chicken but less this time.

MrM had his usual badminton game last nite.


MrM 82.3kg losing weight lagi??? Biar Benar!!
Me 73.3kg. I am happy despite all the eating I am only 200gms within my earlier weight.

P/S : I have started taking the ACV. I honestly believe this helps.

1 comment:

mamanea said...

Hi dil..I'm a new user of Hcg...what is acv? Your blog help a lot...thanks