Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Weight Loss Tracker Day 9

MrM 85.1kg loss of 1kg
Me 75.5kg loss of 500gms. Damn MrM when you lose, you lose a lot.

I seem to lose in small increments. Despite yesterday being rather active. Oh the path to 65kg seems so near but yet so far. If 500gms is my daily weight loss, I should be 73.5kg by Saturday. One day at a time.....


MG said...

I lost 500 too. Tension, tension!!!

BalancingAct said...

Oklah tu.....kena sabar

Jaisya said...

A day at a time....steadily and surely you will get to target...just don't cheat...it's not worth it..lembab progress..tension..