Even before this diet, I have read somewhere the goodness of this vegetable called asparagus. I struggle with the taste, steamed or as part of the allowed vegetable in a soup. Give me cabbage, celery, iceberg lettuce anytime but not asparagus. It is not that I can't eat it, I just hate the taste in combination with any food. Except fried asparagus with sambal belacan, I suppose. The frying and prawn paste would just drown the taste.
You know where I am heading to. My issue is not asparagus, my issue is I want something OILY!!!
Being on this diet has taught me about food choices. And the fact that we can choose food that are healthier and still be satisfied. Only if you are not subject to a 500 calories constraint, that is. And not be subjected by my friend Jai tempting us with beriani and dhal curry.
I had another Grissini stick a few minutes ago. So we binged on our allocation of two Grissini sticks each today. One in the evening, and another at night. Such satisfaction. I have yet experienced in this life when a simple breadstick would satiate my hunger pangs. Well, tonight is the first. Surprisingly, I do feel okay. MrM said the sticks would make good snacks even after we are done with this diet.
With this diet, you treasure every meal and savor every bite you take. So much that when Aliah asked to taste the Grissini stick, I responded with a firm NO!
Next time I have a business trip to London, I will hunt for Grissini sticks at every Tesco, M&S and other supermarkets that comes my way. No more hunting for handbags, ha ha!!! I will get those guys in our subsidiary there to hunt for Grissini sticks and buy me a carton or crate everytime they return to Malaysia. Yeay for Grissini!!!
Thanks Jai. You have been so supportive.
I know, rigjt? Grissini is the BOMB! I eat it like it's Danish Butter Cookies!
no more shopping for handbag??? u ahve been converted to such an extent by the grissini dil??
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