I thought I would do the same and chronicle my HcG journey just like my friends Jai and Pyl.
I am already on my 7th day now and I am surprised I have survived it so far.
I started dieting way back in 2008, basically reducing my carbo intake and eating proteins mostly. When I started I was 83kg. I had lost weight during a trip to Indonesia, losing 2kg despite the nasi padang as a main staple during our trip. So when I started I was 80kg.
The diet was also complemented with three times a week sessions at Sispa for my fat burning session. I was progressing well, or so I thought, losing about 2kg monthly until I found out I was pregnant early December 2008. Wow! Talk about preggers at 42 and the ticket to eat whatever I wanted. Morning sickness did not deter me from eating. If there was something that agreed with my tastebuds I would eat a lot of the something. I was in seventh heaven. MrM indulged with me and also was the facilitator (he would bring me anywhere to enable my indulgence) of my eating for two.
Post pregnancy in July 2009, what with breastfeeding and eating only steamed ikan haruan daily for lunch and dinner, and fasting month, I managed to lose weight to 73kg. That was a whopping 17kg lost from the day before I delivered Harith. I had put on 17kg pregnant topping my previous pregnancies weight gain. At 37 weeks I was 90kg. At 73kg, I felt light. Most people commented that I looked "cengkung".
Fast forward 2011. 2 years since Harith's birth I have indulged in rice, fried foods, sugar laden coffee, and the consequent is I have put on additional 4kg since then. Work stress didn't help either as I was always hungry by lunch time and would have rice with fried chicken and teh tarik! When I saw Jai at Atie's house recently and commented that she has lost weight, Jai then told me about HcG. I was impressed with her weight loss. I can't remember the last time I saw her when she was heavier, but Jai looked good!
I did not think much (unlike Pyl who took two months) and just decided to do it. Don't think I have read the book thoroughly since the first few days I did the diet wrong. Nevertheless, the motivation for me is to lose weight, looked good in clothes and for health reasons.
1 comment:
Waaa u actually have a variety of blogs eh?
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